927 research outputs found

    An exact solution of spherical mean-field plus orbit-dependent non-separable pairing model with two non-degenerate j-orbits

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    An exact solution of nuclear spherical mean-field plus orbit-dependent non-separable pairing model with two non-degenerate j-orbits is presented. The extended one-variable Heine-Stieltjes polynomials associated to the Bethe ansatz equations of the solution are determined, of which the sets of the zeros give the solution of the model, and can be determined relatively easily. A comparison of the solution to that of the standard pairing interaction with constant interaction strength among pairs in any orbit is made. It is shown that the overlaps of eigenstates of the model with those of the standard pairing model are always large, especially for the ground and the first excited state. However, the quantum phase crossover in the non-separable pairing model cannot be accounted for by the standard pairing interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, LaTe

    Towards Ultra-High Performance and Energy Efficiency of Deep Learning Systems: An Algorithm-Hardware Co-Optimization Framework

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    Hardware accelerations of deep learning systems have been extensively investigated in industry and academia. The aim of this paper is to achieve ultra-high energy efficiency and performance for hardware implementations of deep neural networks (DNNs). An algorithm-hardware co-optimization framework is developed, which is applicable to different DNN types, sizes, and application scenarios. The algorithm part adopts the general block-circulant matrices to achieve a fine-grained tradeoff between accuracy and compression ratio. It applies to both fully-connected and convolutional layers and contains a mathematically rigorous proof of the effectiveness of the method. The proposed algorithm reduces computational complexity per layer from O(n2n^2) to O(nlognn\log n) and storage complexity from O(n2n^2) to O(nn), both for training and inference. The hardware part consists of highly efficient Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based implementations using effective reconfiguration, batch processing, deep pipelining, resource re-using, and hierarchical control. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves at least 152X speedup and 71X energy efficiency gain compared with IBM TrueNorth processor under the same test accuracy. It achieves at least 31X energy efficiency gain compared with the reference FPGA-based work.Comment: 6 figures, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 201

    CAG: A Real-time Low-cost Enhanced-robustness High-transferability Content-aware Adversarial Attack Generator

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial attack despite their tremendous success in many AI fields. Adversarial attack is a method that causes the intended misclassfication by adding imperceptible perturbations to legitimate inputs. Researchers have developed numerous types of adversarial attack methods. However, from the perspective of practical deployment, these methods suffer from several drawbacks such as long attack generating time, high memory cost, insufficient robustness and low transferability. We propose a Content-aware Adversarial Attack Generator (CAG) to achieve real-time, low-cost, enhanced-robustness and high-transferability adversarial attack. First, as a type of generative model-based attack, CAG shows significant speedup (at least 500 times) in generating adversarial examples compared to the state-of-the-art attacks such as PGD and C\&W. CAG only needs a single generative model to perform targeted attack to any targeted class. Because CAG encodes the label information into a trainable embedding layer, it differs from prior generative model-based adversarial attacks that use nn different copies of generative models for nn different targeted classes. As a result, CAG significantly reduces the required memory cost for generating adversarial examples. CAG can generate adversarial perturbations that focus on the critical areas of input by integrating the class activation maps information in the training process, and hence improve the robustness of CAG attack against the state-of-art adversarial defenses. In addition, CAG exhibits high transferability across different DNN classifier models in black-box attack scenario by introducing random dropout in the process of generating perturbations. Extensive experiments on different datasets and DNN models have verified the real-time, low-cost, enhanced-robustness, and high-transferability benefits of CAG

    Embedding Compression with Isotropic Iterative Quantization

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    Continuous representation of words is a standard component in deep learning-based NLP models. However, representing a large vocabulary requires significant memory, which can cause problems, particularly on resource-constrained platforms. Therefore, in this paper we propose an isotropic iterative quantization (IIQ) approach for compressing embedding vectors into binary ones, leveraging the iterative quantization technique well established for image retrieval, while satisfying the desired isotropic property of PMI based models. Experiments with pre-trained embeddings (i.e., GloVe and HDC) demonstrate a more than thirty-fold compression ratio with comparable and sometimes even improved performance over the original real-valued embedding vectors

    Beneath Surface Similarity: Large Language Models Make Reasonable Scientific Analogies after Structure Abduction

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    The vital role of analogical reasoning in human cognition allows us to grasp novel concepts by linking them with familiar ones through shared relational structures. Despite the attention previous research has given to word analogies, this work suggests that Large Language Models (LLMs) often overlook the structures that underpin these analogies, raising questions about the efficacy of word analogies as a measure of analogical reasoning skills akin to human cognition. In response to this, our paper introduces a task of analogical structure abduction, grounded in cognitive psychology, designed to abduce structures that form an analogy between two systems. In support of this task, we establish a benchmark called SCAR, containing 400 scientific analogies from 13 distinct fields, tailored for evaluating analogical reasoning with structure abduction. The empirical evidence underlines the continued challenges faced by LLMs, including ChatGPT and GPT-4, in mastering this task, signifying the need for future exploration to enhance their abilities.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 2023 (Findings

    Cluster Contrast for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification

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    State-of-the-art unsupervised re-ID methods train the neural networks using a memory-based non-parametric softmax loss. Instance feature vectors stored in memory are assigned pseudo-labels by clustering and updated at instance level. However, the varying cluster sizes leads to inconsistency in the updating progress of each cluster. To solve this problem, we present Cluster Contrast which stores feature vectors and computes contrast loss at the cluster level. Our approach employs a unique cluster representation to describe each cluster, resulting in a cluster-level memory dictionary. In this way, the consistency of clustering can be effectively maintained throughout the pipline and the GPU memory consumption can be significantly reduced. Thus, our method can solve the problem of cluster inconsistency and be applicable to larger data sets. In addition, we adopt different clustering algorithms to demonstrate the robustness and generalization of our framework. The application of Cluster Contrast to a standard unsupervised re-ID pipeline achieves considerable improvements of 9.9%, 8.3%, 12.1% compared to state-of-the-art purely unsupervised re-ID methods and 5.5%, 4.8%, 4.4% mAP compared to the state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation re-ID methods on the Market, Duke, and MSMT17 datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/alibaba/cluster-contrast